Laffaye Collection of Polo Art in America

From bronzes cast in Paris to sketches made at the Meadow Brook polo grounds, these works are taking visitors to the Museum of Polo on a unique journey through polo history.
Among the artists are:
- Herbert Haseltine, who received commissions from a King, a Prince and a Maharaja, and whose sculptures are in galleries and museums in Europe and America
- Franklin Brooke Voss, who painted Man o' War, Seabiscuit and Whirlaway, setting up his easel at race tracks, polo stables and the open field
- Laura Gardin Fraser who designed objects as small as coins, medals and bronzes, and as large as heroic equine monuments
- Thomas B. Worth, best known for his lithographs by Currier & Ives, whose painting here is one of the earliest depictions of a polo match in the U.S.A.
It was the request of Martha Laffaye that these works be displayed for the fans and lovers of the sport at the Museum of Polo, and we are honored to grant that wish.